Terms and Notices
- Network Management Practices
- Blocking. We block some application ports because they are known exploits for viruses and hacking. The blocking occurs at our Core router and some of the application ports may work internally on our network. These port blocks do not affect the ability to use your service, while greatly increasing the security of the service we provide to you. The following is the current list of edge blocked ports:
- udp port 67, tcp/udp port 135, tcp/udp port 137, tcp/udp port 138, tcp/udp port 139, tcp port 445, udp port 520, udp port 547
- DDOS Management: We implement automatic DDOS mitigation tools to prevent impacts on our customers and the network as a whole.
- Throttling: We do not routinely throttle any traffic. Traffic to the customer is solely reliant on the speed subscribed to by the customer.
- Congestion Management: We have no usage limits and no automatic triggers for degradation of service due to congestion. Congestion management is handled on a case by case basis, using several available tools to evaluate and resolve potential problem that may arise in our network.
- Affiliated Prioritization: We do not prioritize traffic for any affiliate of Spring City Cable.
- Paid Prioritization: We do not prioritize traffic on our network for any amount of money.
- Application-Specific Behavior: Specific applications affected are only those items listed under the Blocking section.
- Device Attachment Rules (Customer Premises): There are no restrictions on devices using internet services within a customer's premises, as long as such devices are being used for lawful internet content and such devices do not aid in the process of breaching Spring City Cable's Terms of Service listed above.
- Device Attachment Rules (Spring City Cable Network): Devices attached directly to Spring City Cable's fiber network are provided as part of the cost of service, and are specified based on the level of services purchased as part of a fiber plan. Devices attached directly to Spring City Cable's coax system must meet CableLabs certification, UL certification, FCC certification, and not be part of Spring City Cable's rejected equipment list. Wired modems are provided, as part of the service, to customers. Managed Wireless modems can rented from Spring City Cable. Customers may also provide their own wired or wireless modem, so long as they meet all requirements from above. Spring City Cable's currently rejected devices list:
- All Intel Puma 6 chipset modems (An partial list is found
HERE, however it is the customers responsibility to verify this before purchase.)
- All DOCSIS 1.0 / 1.1 / 2.0 modems
- All DOCSIS 3.0 modems with fewer than 16 downstream channel capability.
- Security: We deploy anti IP spoofing methods, as well as other Industry standard network protections.
- Blocking. We block some application ports because they are known exploits for viruses and hacking. The blocking occurs at our Core router and some of the application ports may work internally on our network. These port blocks do not affect the ability to use your service, while greatly increasing the security of the service we provide to you. The following is the current list of edge blocked ports:
- Performance Characteristics
- Service Description: We operate a Hybrid Fiber Coax system, Active fiber, and Passive fiber networks. Residential services are listed on our site here: Residential Service and business services here: Business Service
- Impact of Non-Broadband Internet Access Service Data Services: There are no additional services currently provided on our network that would impact the total bandwidth provided to the customer premise.
- Wireless Performance: Wireless performance may vary and not perform at full subscribed speeds due to several circumstances outside of Spring City Cable's control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to: Distance between wireless routers and devices, wireless congestion, other devices in the area causing wireless interference, and older customer wireless devices incapable of faster speeds.
- Commercial Terms
- Price: Pricing is clearly listed on our Residential and Business service pages, when applicable. There are no usage based fees or contracts and no fees to terminate service. Equipment fees may apply if customers chose to rent equipment.
- Privacy Policies: We do not engage in any customer specific network traffic inspection, but we do occasionally view the overall types and volume of traffic on our network so we can better plan for future growth. We do not store any protocol specific traffic data and it is not available whatsoever. We do maintain a list of IP addresses assigned to every customer, but that information is restricted and is only shared with legal authorities when served with a legal subpoena or other valid court order.
- Redress Options. If you have questions or complaints please don't hesitate to call our office at 423-365-7288.
- Price: Pricing is clearly listed on our Residential and Business service pages, when applicable. There are no usage based fees or contracts and no fees to terminate service. Equipment fees may apply if customers chose to rent equipment.